
21-07-01 Inspirational Vioces)的大合唱”。托里·凯利将演唱音乐剧《旋转木马(Carousel)》中的《你永远不会独行(You'll Never Walk Alone)》。◎已接种过疫苗的观众,在曼哈顿...

护身辟邪 玉保平安

21-02-01 heirloom for 5,000 taels of silver. Mr. Li was not short of money, so he refused to sell it to the man. But...

济公和尚的传说/The Eccentric Adventures of Monk Ji Gong

21-01-26 the kitchen, and then went on to eat it. The abbots were not pleased in the least and decided to expel...


21-01-11 If he could not do so, then Han Xin would have to crawl between his legs. Han Xin considered the...


20-12-24 old monk named Yuande sitting in meditation who did not even look up. After staring at the monk for...

纵欲毁前程/Greed Can Ruin a Person’s Destiny

20-11-27 subjects of his paintings, but since he did not know what they looked like and could he imagine what they...

Signals in the Fog of War

20-11-27 ranks of traitors.Sidney Powell Not On Trump’s Legal TeamFormer federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, who...

Election Coup: Fraud Across the Country(已校对)

20-11-27 2,000 or so voters were shown to be older than 100 years but were not listed as known living...

Election Fraud Rabbit Hole Goes Deep(已校对)

20-11-27 conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not...

我最恨的人 竟是那个救我的人/World War II: The Person I Hate the Most Is the One Saving My Life

20-10-19 became rude and cruel. He not only yelled, punched, and kicked the prisoners of war, but also threw them...

神通乞丐扫帚一扫 水墨龙成

20-10-06 pictures. All the images were identical. The thieves were dazzled and confused. They did not know which one...

川普叫停篡改历史的“1619项目” 清除校园中马克思主义宣传

20-09-23 !”     Department of Education is looking at this. If so, they will not be funded! https://t.co/dHsw6Y6Y3M...

善恶定生死 ——红眼石狮的故事 /Good and Evil Determines Life and Death  The story of the red-eyed stone lions

20-08-13 to her. Seeing that everyone her, the old lady had to run up the mountain alone, and the flood...

别觉得委屈 一切都是最好的安排 Do Not Feel Things Are Unfair – Everything Is the Best Arrangement

20-08-08 ,那么陪伴您微服私巡的人一定是我,当土著人发现国王您不适合祭祀,那岂不是就轮到我了?”国王忍不住哈哈大笑,说:“果然没错,一切都是最好的安排!”Do Not Feel Things Are Unfair...

Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments

17-01-07 son, you should just leave him alone and not be bothered." Wan Quan replied, "He has only...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 not cause any damage to the harvest. Some lower ranking officials reported the damage situation and...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 October 2016.“Of course, increasing capacity would not be easy. One caveat is that many of these industry...


17-01-07 of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory.) 她曾于2006年获得诺贝尔和平奖的提名,二年后的5月15日离开人世,享寿98岁...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 of the session. Minghui did not identify Zhang’s lawyer, likely in consideration of his safety.The...

Taiwan Says With Chinese Warships, Aircraft Carrier Represents a Growing Threat

17-01-01 Party’s naval capabilities. Reuters reported that while the Chinese regime has not elaborated on what...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 troops all over China to end rebellions and invasions. He departed for battle every spring and did not...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 Jin heard about this incident, he instructed the official not to hire his uncle. Tang Xuanzong not...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 without good luck, he will not achieve anything. It is said that a person should not give up his morals...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 announcement on its website, CIRC said Evergrande’s “asset allocation plan is not clear, and its capital...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 Wei County for over ten years. In order to not disturb the common people, he avoided grandiose...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 not accept them. The magistrate admired his noble character and wanted to give him an official title...

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 generally view the CNH to be an accurate predictor of future dollar to yuan direction as it is not...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 a Han Chinese Emperor, and are not from a foreign race from the north nor a head of a barbarian tribe....

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 #2: There was a beggar named Wang Xisheng with both legs disabled. He could not walk so he moved by shifting...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 engineers, "When an emperor rules a nation, he relies on internal sources and does not solely depend on...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 9)

16-12-12 , and wealth. But he does not openly seek them, let alone seek them in wanton excess. A sly person is...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (1 of 2)

16-12-04 great-aunt lost her eyesight. Ms. Yu sought everywhere for medical treatment but could not find a cure. She...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 some employees fired from private companies have resorted to the courts, many workers do not have this...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 8)

16-12-04 , and consults the contemporary wise and able people for advice, what he does or says will not be flawed...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 not enjoy peace. At the time, China was not a unified country, and many railed against the imperial...

Song Jinggong’s Compassion Thwarts Disaster

16-11-29 well, I am not afraid of death. I refuse to accept these bad ideas." Ziwei was moved by...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 7)

16-11-28 , but it's never too late to mend them Even sages make mistakes, let alone everyday people who are...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 widespread disappointment over China not moving toward becoming a free market economy. On Nov. 16, the...


16-11-28 如此之大而不可能垮掉,但是规模大到拯救起来很难/not too big to fail,but too big to save。」若中国经济危机会引发连环效应他马上接下来说:「除此之外,哪一...